Use a decentralized wallet, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet and more to connect it via the BSC Network to this panel. Make sure its the account with BNB for the purchase and some BNB for the fees on it.
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How To Buy?
3 steps, 5 minutes and many gains!
Enter the amount of BNB OR USDT you want to invest into CCAT and let the website display how many tokens your receive!
Click on “Buy Now“ and approve in your wallet. If it does not work, try the in-app browser of your Wallet. You will be able to get your token on your wallet instant!
Token Details
Token Name: Coincat |
Token Symbol: CCAT |
Token Decimals: 18 |
Token Address:0xe934ed5Ca0522C8eE86bEcba5375011c61395bfd |
Total Supply: 500,000,000 CCAT |
Blockchain: BSC |